Monday, August 07, 2006

constructive weekend

As I mentioned, The long weekend was very productive for one of the projects I have been following.

There is a local street artist (or perhaps a group of artists) that has been nailing wooden cut-out paintings all over town. Some of you may know about these from my photo blog (here, here, and here). This weekend I found a plethora of new (or at least new to me) items from this inspiring artist. I have been tracking them for about 5 months in several areas of the city, and put a message in last week's I saw you section of the weekly free newspaper (FFWD) ...with no response, however. So, my next step is to put up flyers in the hopes that the artist(s) will spot one of them and contact me...there are so many questions that I have...and in the off chance that someone that knows somethig about them should come across this me!

Also, I am setting up another blog devoted stricklty to the street art in and around Calgary. I spend much of my time out and about looking up, down, sideways etc in hopes of spotting some hidden treasure and this site will exhibit the finds thus far. Street Art - Calgary

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