Thursday, November 17, 2005

... all I see, is where else I could be, when I'm at home...

Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
where they’re far more suited than here
-Soul Meets Body - Death Cab For Cutie

I have returned, begrudgingly, from six glorious days away from my meager existence in Calgary...Victoria was grand! There was nothing in particular that made it so, apart from three simple, but very powerful facts...

1. I wasn't in Calgary

2. I wasn't at work

3. I had Mr. J with me

Granted, the weather left much to be desired at times, none of which we spent outside anyway...and work is quite quiet right now (despite my working 10 hours on my first day back)...and Mr. J got on my nerves more that once during the trip...but I still had a splendid time, and am somewhat disheartened that the time has come and gone so quickly.

A quick recap of the trips events, and then I must be off to bed to store up some much needed Zs...

We arrived in Victoria at 10:50 Thursday morning...spent the day walking through old downtown, and sipping yummy coffee by the harbor. We decided that we should get all of the CAR items checked off of our list in the first few days so we could return the burdensome rental gas guzzling unit and save some of the cash lining our pocket books for something more fun (a new digital camera for Mr. J's 30th birthday!)...

Friday morning saw us off to Tofino...well, we eventually made it to Tofino...the 8:30 traffic jam, a minor detour due to no map and then another minor detour due to a poor quality map, stops in Coombs (there were no Goats on that roof!), Cathedral Grove, Long Beach...we made it to Tofino at about 4:30ish...only to find that it wasn't the destination, but the journey that was the memorable part of the day...

Saturday and Monday were spent taking in the tourist traps...

-Bouchard Gardens - Pretty!
-Craigdarroch Castle - Meh! Not really my deal...
-China Town - Fan Tan Alley was neato!
-Undersea Gardens - interesting in that slightly creepy way...
-Bug Zoo - I guess I'm not really a kid any more!
-Rogers Chocolates - YUM!

Sunday we spent apart for fear one of us wouldn't make the trip home in one piece. We decided it would be fun to document our days to help in the story telling when we were reunited...a fun idea I highly recommend to any traveling couple. Not only did it allow us the much needed breathing room, but allowed us to pursue parts of the city that the other person may not have enjoyed as much...

It was a good trip despite that fact that there were no amazing highlights...

Biggest thrill - seeing seals in the harbor

Biggest let down - 2 way tie - not going Whale Watching and not calling my friend Lori to go for coffee...Sorry Lori! Next time! Oh, yes, there WILL be a next time...

Adieu et Bon soir!

*Originally posted at: Twisted ramblings from the mouse that runs the brain

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