Today's holiday brought you by the "good" people at Hallmark
The day of love? Give me a break! I've always found Valentine's day to be a bit cheesy. People spend so much money buying sugary candies, and second rate flowers with inflated price tags, or frantically try to find a restaurant that will take a reservation at the last minute so they can show off to fellow diners how "in love" they are with their sweetie...yuck.
True romance has thought behind it. It isn't something that is done because everyone else is doing it. Case and point, I have had a rough couple of weeks, and Joel - who works out of town - knew that I was feeling down and sent me flowers at the office last week. Just because. He knew that they would bring a smile to my face on an otherwise bleak day. That's romantic, and one of the many reasons that I love him...
Ok, enough mushy stuff! If you were wondering who the real St Valentine was...check out the Learning Channel's story on it here.
Anyway, Happy Valentines Day! I love you all!
*Originally posted at: Twisted ramblings from the mouse that runs the brain
that bear is awesome i totally want one!
lol yes, "funnily" is a
February 15 12:17 AM
Published by: EFFECTED
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