Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Naughty Haikus

I have been to several blogs this evening that are featuring D/S, kinky or sexy bestfriend and I hosted a stagette for a girlfriend last summer (well, she really did all the work, it just happened to be in my apartment) and as one of the evenings entertainment activities, we asked the guests to write naughty haikus . . . here is just a sample of what came out that night . . . these are not all mine, but I don't think the ladies will mind me sharing them

Your sweet sense I taste
take me back to your place,

my boyfriend is at home

Oh, I want you here!
Bodies growing hot and hard

Hands tied with a scarf,
legs splayed open, on display,
all secrets revealed

Passion, lust, fervor
Words that make me think of you
Do you think of me?

The evenig also involved much too much Sake and the folding of naughty origami (it was a Japanese themed evening) so some of the Haikus were a little silly . . .

Last time that I checked,
folding small paper people
results in chain sex

My hips are sure stiff
I need to get off the floor
Where's my paper dick?

1 comment:

Blogger Osbasso said...

Nice set of shots. Great set of haikus!

Wed Mar 29, 09:18:00 PM  

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