The EYES have it - HNT #12
Looking through the many many many pictures I have on my computer trying to find something suitable, I became seiously annoyed by a problem I have been plagued with all of my life - RED EYE! I've always looked like someone possessed in photographs, and since I statred wearing contact lenses it has only become more and more of a problem...
Blue eyes + contact lenses = serious red eye reflection in photos

The centre photo is what my eyes SHOULD (but rarely) look like in photos...
How is this NEKKID you might ask...I've said it before...the eyes are the windows to the soul, apparently my soul is blood red!
Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday everyone!
Click here if you want to know more...->

38 comment:
i like it! HHNT!
Wow, that is cool!
Happy HNT!
Beautiful. I'm digging the glasses!
Yea, my camera died a couple days ago!
Happy HNT!
Aye, the soul is blood red but we'd really be worried if you reflected like a cat- with the tapetum that is there to amplify what light comes in, making them see better in the dark.
I am such a dork. Beautiful shot. Good collage-ing (I make grammar yay)
Happy HNT!
Pretty cool! HHNT :)
clever use of red eye! funny how some ppl seem more prone to it. happy HNT!
way cool... happy hnt!
Here's lookin' at.....
Love the shot.
Happy HNT!!
That is a lot of red eye
But a what a nice red eye you have!
i agree the eyes say so much, your eye shape is so pretty,and the color around the red too! HHNT!
I love eyes!! Like you said.,,,.windows to the soul. Awesome post!!
i hate red eye... even when you use the redeye reducer on the camera you still get it.
makes for somecool shots though sometimes. Happy HNT!
red or not your eyes are very pretty. You are gorgeous. If you aren't a Demon (just sayin...) I could go for that. LOL Seriously you are beautiful. HHNT and thanks for stopping by.
The one is the middle is sorta red too! Gotta love that red eye zapper that you can do now, then have the pictures printed after you zap them on the computer!
happy HNT
I have a hard time getting my baby girl's pic taken with her eyes OPEN thanks to the slight delay in the flash on my camera.
Got yourself I nice creepy collection of eye shots there, don't ya?
Happy HNT! :)
Red or not, you have beautiful eyes. HNT!
Spooky. But, clearly, lovely eyes.
Happy HNT x
Yep they are windows to the soul for sure!! HHNT!!
I have that problem too. blue eyes and contacts. Something about the flash does it every time.
thank goodness for photo manimpulation!
happy HNT
Love it!
Happy HNT!
nicely done! Great color of eyes! and I like the specs too! Happy HNT!
Cool! Creative HNT pics! HHNT
Very cool, in a slightly creepy way.
Beautiful baby blues.
Happy HNT. ;)
Nice blue eyes but the red is just a touch freaky
The curse of light eyes.
My blue-eyed daughter constantly looks as if she's been posessed by Satan himself.
Wait, maybe she has? Crap...
Happy HNT!
wickedly nice HNT
wow hhnt!
you have lovely eyes, red or not .. but I'm with you, I hate being the one red-eyed freak in the photo...
Interesting collage. A red-eye correction feature in a photo program would take care of it. Lovely!
kinda freaky...
but cool
Unusual colors for the eye almost vampiric!
Happy HNT You!
funny and interesting use of red eye. happy hnt.
Very nice HNT!
Happy HNT! Great Pics!
Beautiful peepers, red eye or not! HHNT!
Wow! That's friggin RADICAL! HHNT!
liking the eyes!!!
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