Friday, July 14, 2006

GUYS: watch you mouth and keep your hands to yourself!

Twice in as many weeks I have had to pull a male co-worker aside and chastise him for his behavior toward the female members of the staff (two separate guys - words/actions toward two separate woman). I am not in a management position, but I am the most senior female staff member, so the rights of my fellow women have sort been put in my care (I'm not sure how, but it seems to be working as I am also the office loudmouth!). I just don't understand how these guys think this sort of behavior isn't inappropriate in the office???

5 comment:

Blogger lecram sinun said...

Good for you!

Fri Jul 14, 11:34:00 AM  
Blogger jd said...

Thats right, give em hell.

Keep work at work and play elsewhere.

Fri Jul 14, 01:43:00 PM  
Blogger Backdoor Slider said...

The guys probably know it is inappropriate but they push the envelope with the woman in your office to see how far they can go without getting in trouble. It is a good thing that you had a talk with them. Things can be light hearted at a business but should never be unprofessional. :)

Plus I will say whatg most women are thinking right now. Sometimes we guys think with our little head tooooo much

Fri Jul 14, 09:00:00 PM  
Blogger The Melody Censor said...

Although I'm sure there are instances where a little flirting in the office can be harmless, I don't see a married man patting a female co-worker on the bottom during a goodbye hug appropriate given any situation.

Sat Jul 15, 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um yeah, I thought they covered that in the employees handbook. Don't dip your pen into the company inkwell. It never turns out good. You tell en sug. Someone has to be the adult. Have I mentioned that God I love your music? Cuz I soooo totally do. lol Have a great weekend Susan.

Sat Jul 15, 04:52:00 PM  

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