Pets . . . ?
- An animal kept for amusement or companionship.
They are often cute, often soft, playfull, lovable...and also often hairy, and smelly and messy. On the whole, they are dirty...
when does the cuteness outweigh the dirtiness, allowing these creatures into our homes?
In the last two days I have visited homes with a cat and a dog (respectivly), both are very nice, cute animals. Both are well mannered, and relativly clean as pets go. I enjoyed playing with both...but I don't know if I ever want to have one in my own home...but don't tell Mr. J because I may chance my mind again...I'm prone to that sort of thing
4 comment:
That's because you haven't met Lola. You'd be pleading with me to let you move in.
Pleading you say? She must really be something special...hmmm
Your reaction is very's how I've always felt about children, consequently, I don't own any!!! :D
♥ CeeCi
I have simlar views on children too ceeci, or at least on having my own.
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