Saturday, February 25, 2006

Truths realized...

Someone said to me today, that I seem to have fallen in love with the same man all over again...I didn't realize it until it was pointed out to me, but it is true, I have.

"Hug someone that you love.
Just love can change everything."

Lillian Ferreira
Sao Paulo, Brazil

*Originally posted at: Twisted ramblings from the mouse that runs the brain

Now I realize the folly of my ways
February 25
4:06 AM

Published by: The silent

I was looking through some of your old posts and I came across
this one and I just wanted to say how great it is to hear that you have fallen
back in love with Mr J. I know you two went through some rough stuff and I just
wanted to say that that's awesome, I wish you every happyness.
March 22 11:58

Published by: Ev

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