Shoe fetish - HNT #13 - Mystery Guest!

The evenig also involved much too much Sake and the folding of naughty origami (it was a Japanese themed evening) so some of the Haikus were a little silly . . .
Last time that I checked,
folding small paper people
results in chain sex
Why is this funny you might ask? I don't know, it just is...very funny. It aslo reminded me of a book that Jenn got me for my birthday last year...
There is also a funny website to go along with this book too...
...this is the kind of cat I'd get if I were going to get one! Isn't he cute?
I've also seen the dog version in Chapters.
Are you tired of the way the world is represented in the media...the beautiful people, the elite...where are the real people that we encounter everyday? I used to read ADBUSTERS magazine on a regular basis, but haven't for some time now. I was recently reminded of it. You should check it out!
This picture show how close we could get to the giraffes. We weren't allowed to go right in with them (apparently the keepers rarely do that even), but there was only a fance seperating us from them. You can see the end of the group just leaving here.
Here is the second female giraffe coming to check things out from her secluded enclosure.
Display set up in the class room...
Marjorie feeding Marty a carrot stick, and getting a good deal of green slobber on her in the process I'm sure.
Some random close up pictures...look how fabulous her eye lashes are. I have no hope of mine ever looking that great no matter what mascara I use!
*Originally posted at: Twisted ramblings from the mouse that runs the brain
Looks like you had a blast. The zookeepers at our zoo are awesome. Once when
my niece was about 4 she made a picture for the giraffe and when she showed to
the zoo keeper the lady brought her and my sister to the back where they got to
feed the giraffe carrots. So, I bet it was an awesome day.
March 26 10:41
Published by: Ev
Marjorie and I are going Behind the Scenes with the Giraffes today at the Calgary Zoo! I am pretty excited!!!
I'll be sure to post more on this later...
*Originally posted at: Twisted ramblings from the mouse that runs the brain
I did that as a camp councillor for a week in high school with gr 1 kids it
was totally awesome.
March 25 4:59 PM
Published by: Ev
Old Railing...VS...New Railing
March 23, 2006
March 20, 2006
February 16, 2006
January 3, 2006
December 21, 2005
October 24, 2005
September 25, 2005
![]() |
1.Pearl Jam (x2)2. Placebo3. REM4. Ani Difranco(x3 - soon to be 4)5.Mighty Mighty BossTones (x3)6.Barenaked Ladies7. Wide Mouth Mason (x2)8. Moist (x3)9. Rufus Wainwright10. The Tea Party (x2)11.The Watchmen12. Great Big Sea13. Holly McNarland
I totally forgot about REM!! I've been to theirs a couple of times too
March 23 9:20 AM
Published by: Leesa
Blue eyes + contact lenses = serious red eye reflection in photos
How is this NEKKID you might ask...I've said it before...the eyes are the windows to the soul, apparently my soul is blood red!
Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday everyone!
Click here if you want to know more...->
Idea stolen borrowed from Dan.
First Concert: Pearl Jam (August 11, 1993) - at least that's the first one I'm willing to admit to.
First Record Bought: Madonna –True Blue
Last CD Bought: Wolf Parade – Apologies to Queen Mary
Favorite Record Label: ummmmm…Arts & Crafts, or Righteous Babe maybe?
Favorite Music Magazine: Don’t really have time to read them anymore.
Favourite Bassist: Nick Harmer, Jesse F.Keeler…or to go back to my roots, Jeff Ament.
Favourite Album Cover: Nathan – Jimson Weed
(it’s a quilt for crying out loud!)
Singer Who Makes Your Skin Crawl: Alanis “nails on a chalboard” Morrisette
Singer Who Makes You Swoon: ummmm….I really can’t think of anyone right now, how sad is that? ...ooohh, Ben Harper is pretty easy on the eyes, and with a voice to match too!
Song You'll Never Get Sick of Hearing: Title and Registration – Death Cab For Cutie
Album You Own That No One Else Does: Blue Dog Pict – Anxiety of Influenc: A nodding into…?
Album You Own But Hate: I don’t HATE any of the ones I own…there are several that I may never listen to again, but I don’t hate them.
Song You Can't Stand by an Artist You Like: Fitter Happier – Radiohead (freakin’ track 7 off OK Computer!!!), and Kazoointoit – Ani Difranco (I never make it past press 3…press 3…press 3…)
Band That Should Break Up: Ummm…don’t care, if I don’t like it I won’t listen to it.
Band That Should Re-form: Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins.
Guilty Pleasure: Kelly Clarkson’s Since You Been Gone.
Last Song You Listened To: Memorize the City – The Organ (just before I changed the song here…)
Hmmm...a bit of a trip back in time on some of these...
Well that was a good way to waste a few minutes, now what???
_ Darkside Taurus _
Disclaimer: not my creation, taken from the book Darkside Zodiac by Stella Hyde.
A stubborn, sybaritic, rut-bound bully, fueled by dull resentment and an insatiable love of money. A taurus is a hidebound, reactionary Ubermaterialist, superglued into a rut several feet deep. You are obstinate and an opinionated authoritarian. What you really like is stuff: in your mouth, on your plate, in your bank, in your bed, in the bag. You stubbornly refuse to accept the folk wisdom that tells us we can't always get what we want. And when you've got stuff, you hold on to it with a grip that it would be laughable to describe as viselike. Possessive seems too weak a word. And the evil spawn of possessiveness is murderous jealousy and resentment. You are possessive, jealous and resentful of the people in your life too. You timetable their every hour and always want to know where they are.
Your pig-headed obstinancy, obdurate opinions, and refusal to change are a result of a lack of imagination. Your little bully brain can't compute more than two variables at once, so when faced with something complex or unusual, you go rigid and do what you have always done. Often that is nothing, so you tend to get buried alive by avalanches you refuse to notice. What softens your tough hide is your self-indulgent hedonism. Your favorite deadly sin is greed.
Taureans don't get much hassle; standing still, looking solid, usually does it for you. You can only be prodded into action if your food or money supply is threatened.
In bed, once you've learned how to make the earth move, you just keep on singing the same old song. It gives a whole new meaning to the word "rutting." Lovers have suffocated from boredom in your bed. You resent any attempt to bring a little novelty or spontaneity into the routine. Show you a Kama Sutra and you'd try to eat it. When you've got someone, you hang on to them. Even if your lover tries all 50 ways to leave, you still follow them around bellowing piteously. This is called stalking.
You usually stand alone. You have friends, but they are the those whom you meet in the same place, the same time, on the same day of every month. Everybody always does what you want to do; you think this is because they agree with your choice. In fact they are being pragmatic; they just know your olympic obduracy. In marriage, you make it very clear that it's going to be your way or nothing.
In work, you have always steered clear of anything marked vocation or social conscience, because the only thing you care about is the paycheck. This means you will do more or less anything, as long as you don't have to respond to emergencies or get too sweaty. Colleagues soon learn not to walk on your patch of carpet, never to rearrange the ornaments on your desk, and never ever to use your special mug. They also learn not to ask you for a decision unless they have a month hidden in the job schedule.
On vacations, you tend to go to the same places you've always went. You are addicted to guided tours.
There's Irish blood flowing through these viens, so I could hardly turn down Os' request to show a little Irish pride this week. Here's my pride! Happy Half-Nekkid St Patricks Day everyone.
And something for fun...
Want to know why everyone's half-nekkid?
EDIT: Thu Mar 16, 07:37:10 AM - ok, confession time...the tattoo isn't real...just some clever photoshop...tricksy like a leprechaun I am.Happy HNT everyone...and thanks for all the great comments!