Monday, July 31, 2006

nobody else?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

dirty, tired, burned, home early and potentially posioned

Well, day 3 of the Calgary Folk Music Festival ended early for my sister (Miss M) and I. It's hot, and we're both sun burned, filthy dirty and likely smelling horrible. Add to that the inhospitable vibe being thrown at us from our tarp neighbours to the rear (Miss M and I were taking up a 6' x 3' portion of grass compared to thier looming monster of a tarp - but nontheless we seemed to be causing them undue stress), my encounter with a seriously undercooked (pretty much raw) mouthful of chicken which was partially ingested (I think I'm fine though), and the lack of acts to hold our interest on tonight's mainstage, and you have the reason why we decided to pack it in early. This will also allow us to be fresh for tomorrow. The show tomorrow night is going to be OUTSTANDING!

Sunday's mainstage lineup: Eliseo Parro, Dar Williams, Daby Touré, Matthew Good, Ani DiFranco

I'm off to take a shower and drink a nice cold root beer, and then I think I'm off to bed early after answering a couple of emails...goodnight all. Stay tuned for the recap of the entire weekend including pictures and maybe even a video or two!

day 2 down, 2 more to go

so much great music already, and the weekend hasn't yet started... Macy Gray was amazing tonight...I will write a full review when the weekend is done, stay tuned!

Saturday Mainstage lineup: Roches, Kathleen Edwards, Dave Alvin, Little Axe, Son Volt, Kris Kristofferson

Thursday, July 27, 2006

from group hug...

I love this...just this last line, but I love it!
"I would jump tall buidings to find you and teach you about yourself."

Folk fest continues

Tomorrow's lineup: Savoy-Doucet Cajun Band, Aurelio Martinez, Robbie Fulks, Jeff Healey, Bedouin Soundclash, Macy Gray

Incomunicado weekend

Folk fest is this weekend - starting tonight. This is something I look forward to all year long. I take the afternoons off from work on Thursday and Friday to go and stand in line before the gates open to ensure a good seat....(but I slept in today and have to go into the office for a few hours

Tonight's lineup: Frigg, Dan Bern, Niyaz, Feist, Broken Social Scene

Anyway, I will not be around much over the next four days, but I'll catch up with all of you lovelies next week!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

too hot for pants - HNT #30

It's hot...

and humid...

and I don't have air conditioning.

I'm not used to the hummidity. I love the warm weather of summer, but with the extra moisture in the air, I just can't take it! The only relief is found wearing as little clothes as possible and sitting in front of a fan...

The worst part is, my apartment faces South, so by mid-afternoon it's like an oven in here. Cooler outside than in, and it's pushing 30 degrees (celcius) or more out there.

As always, if you need more info on HNT
click this -->HNT_1

You should also go and check out -->

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

There will be HNT...

I will be posting HNT tomorrow (infact I have just finished drafting it up), but it will either be early, or on the lateish side. I am off to watch my brother's play tomorrow evening with my mom and sister.

But, I assure you, I will post HNT!

HNT guidelines


I woke up on th couch 10 minutes ago to the glorious smell of summer evening thunder shower. Giant drops of rian are dancing on the pavement below, even 10 floors up the symphony is wonderful. - 8:21pm

and then, as fast as it began, the rain stops, and the sun tries to come back out - 8:42pm

Monday, July 24, 2006

music nerd alert

the weekend past was spent sorting...
and otherwise looking through music...

why? you might ask

in an attempt to compile a list of the quintessential Canadian music!

more than the tragically hip or barenaked ladies
(good, but not great)
only starting with classicas like bto and neil young
(you ain't seen nothin' yet! was an understatement)
and intentionally leaving out shania and celine
(does anyone in canada really listen to this?)

speaking of music...nobody has expressed interest in free music thus far...

5 Things...

Ok, I'm sure you've seen this everrywhere...I had. Heather - tricksy as she is - put links to pictures for a lot of her items, and I - curious as I am - clicked them...all of them! Which as I found when I got to the bottom means I'm it...I'm a good sport, and have nothing better to do in this heat, so here goes...

5 things always in my purse /briefcase:
1. Camera
3. Lip gloss (at least 1 kind, usually more)
4. business cards
5. sunglasses

5 things always in my wallet:
1. ID
2. Starbucks card
3. postage stamps
4. health care card
5. many many many recipts

5 things always in my refrigerator:
1. Veggies
2. cheese
3. salad dressing
4. milk
5. yogurt

5 things always in my closet:
1. Laundry waiting to be done
2. that dress I'll never wear but can't get rid of
3. business clothes rarely used
4. skinny skirt of momentos

5 things always on my desk:
2. cup full of coloured markers
3. scraps of paper with band names written on (when will I get around to looking into these bands?)
4. ruler
5. calculator

people to tag...YOU! (just leave me a message esaying you're it!)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Failing the test of time

I know this is a petty, and superficial post...I apologise in advance!
I was blog surfing this morning while waiting for a friend to show up, and I stumbled upon feetman78's post about Susanna Hoffs playing Conan, which brought my attention to this...

11 years have not been good to Matthew Sweet.

Matthew Sweet

16 year old Susan thought Matthew Sweet was dreamy... and he still is, but now it's more in that creepy guy you don't want to run into on a drak street.

That's all

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Happy Blogiversary to ME!

It's been 1 year since I started in on the latest fad sweeping the nation, online journals - "web log" or BLOG for short. Just over a year ago the concept of writting things online made little sense to me. WHY? would you write something for the whole world to see? WHY? And then I started a little space of my own. I can't even remember what started the whole thing, but it started a year ago today...and the rest as the say is history.

I was reading WDKY's vacation farewell post this morning, and what he says there could not be more true. I too have made FRIENDS here. It is still a bit weird to think about. I don't know any of you (with the exception of a few) in the traditional sense, but I do worry about you when you're feeling down, am happy for you when something good happens, and generally want the best for you...all of you. And that to me makes us friends.

And, so my friends, on this day of celebration (well really it's the day after...oops!), raise your glass and taost to continued friendship!

Thanks to everyone who has been part of this's to many more! Cheers!

Oh, and this is my 200th post...

Review: Vince Vaccaro - EP

As you may know, this CD was sent to me by the lovely Lori in Victoria. She is one of the few people that stop by here that I actually know in the real world...Anyway, as promised, I have sat down, and seriously listened to it. It took me some time (the first try my nerve were a little rattled, the second I ended up falling asleep on the couch), but I have focused and can now's good!

Pretty vague huh? Well I could go into great deatil about the music, the recording, the lyric and vocal delivery, but you might all think I'm a bit of a music snob. Who am I kidding? I am a music snob! Just wanted to warn you...

The 6 song EP opens strong with somewhat driving build up to a light, up beat strumming guitar and easy vocals of Heart & Hands - easily the most listenable track on the CD.

The second track, Come On, is my favorite of the 7 tracks I've heard (bonus track available on the artist's myspace). A drum and harmonica introduction into a catchy stroll down the artist own memory lane. A personal message to a person in his past that can easily be translated into anyone's persoanl experiences. Complete with a reflective pause in the bridge before the song picks up pace again. A bit formulaic, but why fight it if it works?

I find the track order a bit conflicting however, the fun and up beat rhythms of the first 2 tracks take a sharp left turn to the more somber Jonathon Livingston (the artist's favorite song it would seem...see comments for "Vince's" thoughts). Still musically sound, and following great Canadian music composing styles (introduction, verse-corus, bridge etc. - telling a story), I find it a little blah in comparison to the rest of the album. And easily forgivable live I'm sure, because as Lori mentioned in her enclosed postcard, he is a beautiful example of the masculin form - shameless, I know!

The following tracks pick up the casual light rock style, and we're back on the main road for the rest of the short journey. The crisp vocal delivery and raw quality in his voice are reminiscent of fellow Canadian Sam Roberts (Vince has opened for Sam Roberts it seems I was misinformed...), and the recording is clean and of surprising quality for a debut 6 song EP.

The closing track, My Angels (Lori's favorite), is a down tempo accoustic number that I can only imagine would be phenominal played live in an intimate setting. It demonstrate this young mans great vocal control (I have trouble reaching that note myself!), and is a clear example of his passion for music.

Over all, the EP is good, and a welcome addition to my collection of stripped down Canadian folk rock. I can't wait to hear more from the Montreal native who now calls Victoria home.

And in true Lori fashion, I have purchased 2 additional copies of this great debut. One will be going to my brother to forward on L's best wishes, and the second will go out to someone. I thought of coming up with some sort of contest, but couln't think of anything and wasn't convinced there would be many if I have more than one person interested it will be a random selection (drawn from a hat likely), so to let me know if you're interested leave me a comment or send me an email before the end of the month.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Susan K

How to make a Susan K

1 part intelligence

1 part humour

3 parts instinct
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of emotion and a pinch of salt. Yum!

An interesting story: Encounters of the blog kind

Last evening I spent a delightful 5+ hours in the company of a captivating Irishman who now calls South Africa home - the one and only Lurch Adams (whom many of you likely know through his unique take on HNT).

Dylan with treesHe told me a few weeks ago that he was going to be in Calgary on business, and that we should meet up. It had sort of slipped my mind until he sent a message from Heathrow saying he was on his way to Canada and didn't I owe him a beer?

Sure enough, arrangements were made for me to meet him at a local pub near his hotel for said beer. Unbeknownst to me when selecting a rendezvous point was the fact that Lurch hails from Dublin originally, and so I selected a traditional Irish pub - The James Joyce. It wasn't until I sat down next to him that I first picked the dreamy Irish lilt in his voice - although a bit muddled with a hint of the charming South African inflection (did I mention I'm a sucker for accents? No? Well, I'm a sucker for accents!).

I was beyond nervous while walking to the pub. Why? some might ask. Well let me try to explain... I was going to meet a strange man in a pub, a man I've only been corresponding with for just barely a month, a man I was having a hard time convincing myself that I would recognize in a crowded pub, but in addition to all of that, this man has:
  1. seen me in varying states of disrobe via my HNT participation
  2. drawn me in said state for his HNT participation
The nerves lasted only as long it took for me to find him (almost as soon as I entered the building), and say hello. That was it, everything from that moment on was utterly engaging.

chess debateThree pints each and several hours later, the pub staff was going about thier closing for the night routine, and we decided perhaps it was time to leave. The weather has been simply gorgeous the last few weeks, and what started as walking a few blocks together to continue the conversation, turned into a stroll through the deserted streets of downtown Calgary, an impromtu photo prowl, and analyzing who was winning a never ending chess match, all of which wound up with me being delivered at the door of my apartment building. Which, I was informed, is the role of a gentleman - to see a lady safely home (I guess I must not be much of a lady or I don't know many gentlemen, because I normally walk myself home just fine). A lovely gesture - I just hope he managed to find his way back to his hotel (you did didn't you?) - perhape I should have been the one to walk HIM home since this is my city after all.

It was really a nice evening, despite my trepedation at the early end of the night. I can see now, that the sense of community one reaches through contact on blogger (or the internet in general) can easily extend into "real" life. So, if anyone is coming through Calgary, please send me an email - we'll go for a beer!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lori's gift arrived!

The CD Miss Lori sent me arrived in my mailbox this afternoon!

I must go listen to it now...stay tuned for review!

blog meeting

I will be meeting my first "Blogger" in real life soon. It's weird to think about...
more to come

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

In the Green Room - HNT #29

I picked up my David Laity paintings yesterday from the Prints Charming art shop, where I had them re-stretched. I could only have them stretched for now due to the cost of the framing I want, but they look absolutely fabulous! I hung them just as quick as I could.

The Green Room & Muse

Want a closer look?

This is quite possibly the most awkward, uncomfortable position I have ever put myself into - so-o many things to remember: stick butt out, hunch shoulders, head down...breath, all in the time it takes for the automatic shutter to trigger! And I never thought I would see the day that I was making my bum BIGGER in photoshop!!!

The things I won't do in the name of art HNT!

As always, if you need more info on HNT click this -->HNT_1

You should also go and check out -->

Ooh ooh!...Do me too!!!

I stole this from Heather (she stole it from the hot alien, who stole it from tequilagirl - the thievery continues of from here I'm sure!). I can't wait to see the results...take a stab at it even if you barely know me!

Pick one word from each pair that you think describes me the best and leave it in the comments. Then I'll do you!! Then copy this and post it in your own journal(if you want to do so) to see how your friends view you.

*dominant or submissive
*logical or intuitive
*social or loner
*kinky or vanilla
*cute or sophisticated
*kitten or puppy
*warm flannel sheets or sleek satin
*leader or follower
*quiet or talkative
*spontaneous or planned
*teddy bear or porcelain doll
*hiking or window shopping
*tequila or vodka
*top or bottom
*bare foot or shoes
*jeans or slacks
*tender or rough
*aware or dreamy
*nerd or jock
*brains or brawn
*common sense or book smarts
*pretty or sexy

Blogiversary approacheth!

This Friday will be the one year anniversary of my very first blog post, and Friday could also see my 200th post (this is 193)...just a random thought!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

what are the odds?

Well, I guess the odds would actually be 1 in 26, but it still seems a tad unbelievable. I saw this over at AndyT13 and just had to try it out knowing that my own name appears for the letter 'S'...and, well...

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?

You will perish of fits. Repeat this to yourself: "Things can work out even if I don't get my way. Things can work out even...."
Take this quiz!

oh, and these were funny too!

Minx Offering Unrestrained Sensual Embraces

Seductress Undertaking Sensual Arousing Necking

Love from the Island!

My friend Lori sent me the sweetest email yesterday. She said she recently stopped by here and read the drama that has transpired as of late and was sad to hear it all. Do you know what she did then? The sweet darling girl that she is - she went out and bought me a CD. I haven't seen Lori in many many years (how many has it actually been?), but she still knows the way to put a smaile on my face is to offer me new music. I don't know what the artist's name is, but she said he played at the Victoria folk fest a couple of weekends ago, and that he's a local Victoria boy.

She just sent me this:
Ok, I just got back from sending it out - I'm hoping it will be there for the
weekend! Woohoo!!!
I can't wait!
Love ya Lori!

Monday, July 17, 2006

bigmouth strikes again

I walked up to the president of the company today a told him that I didn't want to hear derogatory or racial comments used within earshot of my desk ever again (after overhearing him make just such a comment for the umpteenth time). He told me he respects my opinion on the matter, I said thank-you and told him I couldn't tolerate his.
It was either tell off the boss man or walk out and never look back...

"It's pretty funny for a Canadian show and most of it doesn't suck!"

That's what the website for the new CBC series What It's Like Being Alone says, and that statement couldn't be more true. Eight orphan's (Aldous, Seymore Talkless, Princess Lucy, Sammy Fishboy, Armie, Brian Brain, Beasley & Byron, and Charlie) who call a ramshackle mansion called "The Gurney" their home while under the care of Nanny Goodapple desperately try to get adopted. Oh, did I mention that these particular orphans are a pack of monsters, freaks, mutants and beasts very unique and special...oh! and a depressed, goth teenager. Throw in a talking dead bunny and you've got a killer combination. Their misadventures can be seen Monday nights on CBC at 9:30...don't miss it, you'll be sorry you did!

Wow! Do I sound like an advert or what? Seriously though, it is really funny, anyone who likes thier animations with a dark twist should check it out! (Sorry to my non-Canadian readers...)

Official website
Princess Lucy's myspace
Aldous' myspace
Sammy Fishboy's blog
Brian Brain's blog
Brian Brain's youtube
Seymore Talkless' Flickr

**EDIT** I was just reminded (thanks N.) that I have two buttons (I love buttons!) given to me some time ago (thanks again N.), and this is how I originally heard about this crazy program...and so without further ado...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Weekend in Pictures

Mr. J was home for the weekend...and the weather was gorgeous!

Friday night we went to a BBQ held by one of the construction companies we deal with at work. The food was good. I always have a hard time hanging out with co-workers on a weekend (especially scince all the management were there), but it was Friday night so I guess it wasn't technically the weekend per se...

What better way to spend a beautiful day than to go play outside? So that's just what we did. Saturday, we drove out to Canmore (about an hour North) to go hiking for the day. We decided to take it easy for it is the first hike of the season (yikes - middle of July already and it's only our first hike?) and took a simple trail that I have done before - Grassi Lakes Trail (3.8Km return). Once back down at the bottom, we headed back into Canmore to hit the patio at the local brew pub. The seasonal beer was mediocre, and a tad on the warm side, but a patio in the mountains is a patio in the mountains so I'm not going to complain too much!
We made it back to Calgary intime to have a nap before heading out to Scottsman's hill to watch the firewoorks. It's stampede time here in Calgary, and that means 10 night (weather permitting) of fire works. I can see them from my balcony, but I like to make it down near the grounds to watch them when I can. I LOVE FIREWORKS!!! I'm such a kid sometimes!

Sunday, we spent doing mostly nothing. We went to the mall in search of a hat for Mr. J, and watched Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest (very silly), had BBQ for breakfast and dinner. It was a pretty Lazy Sunday.

Friday, July 14, 2006

GUYS: watch you mouth and keep your hands to yourself!

Twice in as many weeks I have had to pull a male co-worker aside and chastise him for his behavior toward the female members of the staff (two separate guys - words/actions toward two separate woman). I am not in a management position, but I am the most senior female staff member, so the rights of my fellow women have sort been put in my care (I'm not sure how, but it seems to be working as I am also the office loudmouth!). I just don't understand how these guys think this sort of behavior isn't inappropriate in the office???

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The beauty of life as seen in...

fresh starts and new beginings despite the sad goodbye.

Miss you already F.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bedtime - HNT #28

This series of pictures was taken quite some time ago, I'm not even exactly sure when, but I stumbled upon it earlier this week and realized that I have never used them. Now is the time...
Anyone care to read me a story???

As always, if you need more info on HNT click this -->HNT_1

You should also go and check out -->the-otherhnt

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

You know who you are!

Just wanted to send a shout out to all the people that have left comments or sent emails in the last while. Your kind words have been greatly appreciated - it's good to know there are people out there that care. Things are more or less getting back to some sort of normality now. Thanks everyone!!!

Is this bizarre? Or is it just me?

Ok, you know the deal...I'll sometimes need to waste a few minutes and do one of those stupid little quizes - everyone does it - but this one was so strange I couldn't help sharing it...who thinks of this stuff???

You are most attracted to Tetris shapes

You are not really into thinking Nintendo characters are hot. But you are damn addicted to finding a place for all of those shapes…innuendo anyone?

Take this quiz at

Oh, and while I'm posting stupid quiz results...

Do I have the wool pulled over EVERYONE"S peepers?

You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with

Monday, July 10, 2006

Today is...

Today is my mom's birthday.


she basically told me to go I will.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

do I feel better now?

I've just sent my brother's ex an email with all the questions that that have been swimming around in my head for the last 18 days.

That's supposed to help right, even if she doesn't write back...

So, do I feel better now? No, not really.

I think I feel like all of this is real for the first time now. Like I've been denying it up until now. She wasn't just my brother's fiance, she was my friend as well...I know it's selfish to be thinking of myself on what was to be his wedding day, and I am sad for him more than myself, but I think it has finally hit me that all of this is real...

and I don't want it to be...


Today was supposed to be the start of a new begining that will never be.
Today was supposed to be my brother's wedding day...


I have so many questions that may never be answered. I feel so sad right now

Friday, July 07, 2006

Yes! It was fun...but who has that kind of time?

Dress-Up Cookie Cutters I received a very cute set of cookie cutters for my birthday back in May. A set of 8 cutters in the shape of dress-up items - dress, shoe, sunglasses, even a tiara! It came in a cute little pink purse shaped tin (from William Sonoma).

I finally had a chance to try them out today! It was fun, but I just can't see how anyone has the time to do this sort of thing on any sort of regular basis. I started making the dough at about 12:00 and have only just finished decorating them about 15 mins ago - that's over 12 hours!!! And I didn't really follow the decorations to the letter because the recipe said to refrigerate the dough over night! Seriously, WHO can do this?

Also, the back of the tin directed me to the William Sonoma website to find a suitable sugar cookie recipe. I'm not a novice baker by any means, so I feel confident saying this - DO NOT USE THIS RECIPE!!! The dough would NOT stick together to roll it out, and once I managed to get some of the cookies into the oven (and then back out again!) several of them fell to pieces! I did salvage enough to put together a few fabulous cookie outfits - and here they are!!! They're so cute I don't want to eat them!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

O Canada! - HNT #27

Canada Day long weekend - oh how mosquito filled you were!
Apart from being eaten alive by skeeters, I spent Canada Day with my best friend Miss J, her sister and her sister's two sons. We went for a picnic at a local park with a kiddies wading pool which was fun until we got rained out.

That evening we missed the fireworks display, but there was certainly a show to be seen.

I spent most of Sunday lounging in my new hammock...perhaps a little too much. The sun in the middle of the afternoon on my tenth floor south facing balcony is a little too hot to be cat napping in...or maybe I'm just to pale. At any rate I turned a rather adorable shade of la la pink which has since faded to my normal fish belly white again...alas - the tan that was not meant to be.

And as Os requested, I have included my tribute to Canada's birthday! A Canadian girl's foot with Canadian flag toes, and a Canadian brewed beer...The perfect long weekend celebrations - cold beer and pedicures!

As always, if you need more info on HNT click this -->HNT_1

You should also go and check out -->the-otherhnt

Impromptu family reunion

Tomorrow I will be having lunch with family. My mom's side of the family...not all of them, but some - 3 of her 5 brothers (and 2 wives) and her sister, plus her. Yup big family (Dad's is bigger). I have no recollection whatsoever of two of the uncles, and hardly know the others as well. Seems strange to most people - not knowing family members that is - but it's just the way it's been in my family. My parents moved us west (from Newfoundland) before my brother was even born, and although most of Mom's family eventually moved west as well, they moved further west (Interior B.C. and Vancouver). Now I have spoken to family on the phone (usually at Christmas time - and they all mistake me for Mom), but I don't really know any of them (even my Aunt who has come to visit about 3 times since I was 15) Tomorrow should be interesting!

My Aunt arrives some time today, and will be stating with either my sister or my brother and I...

Some of my Dad's family will also be close to the city this week as well. I haven't heard plans of getting together yet, but it's sure to happen at some point.

There's sure to be some sort of craziness to post about by the time the weekend rolls around.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Kien's CD arrived today!

The winds of change...

Time for a new look. I'm still working on it, but this is closer I think...

Monday, July 03, 2006


Two of my favorite places on the internet will be releaseing books shortly! I have ranted about both sites before, but given the news, I will be doing it again - so brace yourself...

POSTSECRET - created by Frank Warren
Post Secret book

an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets
anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.

The second book (My Secret) from this project will be released October 1, 2006. You can pre-order a copy today from Amazon.

EXPLODING DOG - cartoons and drawings by Sam Brown

thinking og you

his name is sam, he draws pictures, from your titles.
send him a title and he'll draw it.

thinking of you is a compilation of more than 170 drawings from
the last six years of the explodingdog website.

this is the second edition of
thinking of you expanded and updated to include pictures from 2005. only 2000
copies printed. pre order now and get your copy signed and get a discounted
price of $25. (the regular price will be $30) pre-orders will begin shipping in
early july

That's really soon, so you should pre-order right away! rant over.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The new ME!!

I went and had my hair done Thursday. I haven't had it cut in along long time because I was asked to grow it out...but I don't have to any more. The result could possibly be an act of rebellion to having long hair for the last few months (at least in part anyway), but it will certainly be good for the heat of summer.


I sat down in Stan's chair and he showed me a picture he had taken the last time I was there. "Did you like this cut?" he which my response was something like "Yes, I liked it very much, but I want something fun this time..."
Stan: "How fun?"
Me: "Really fun Stan, go Crazy!"
"Yes really"
At which point he immediatly picked up his razor and took a swipe at the back ensuring that there was no turning back...I love my stylist - He makes me feel beautiful!

...serious shampoo overload for the next few days!

We went because Miss J thought the boys were cute...

We stayed because the music was unbelievable!

I went (voluntarily) with Miss J to a local art house/bar tonight to see some live music. She wanted to go because two cute boys invited her to come while she served them their latte at Starbucks earlier this week. She's single, and the potential of talking to said cute boys was more than she was willing to pass up despite her lack of information on type of music it was we were going to see. Needless to say, the situation could have turned out BAD...but I gathered my good friend responsibility and pushed the music snob side of me until needed...besides how bad could the music be at a place aptly named KARMA???

The answer? Not bad at all... In fact, just the opposite; good! VERY GOOD!
We walked away from the evening with our pockets a little lightened from the newly bought CDs, but with high spirits, because not only did she get to talk to said cute boys...she will be working at the same school as one of them come September!, and they know some of the same people. Not really a normal occurrence in a city on nearly a million people!

"It's a small world after all..."

Want to know more about the music...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

O Canada!